All about Our Story and Journey and the World of Coffee

Peter roasting on our Probat UG22 Coffee Roaster-Our Story and Journey-Primo Artisan Coffee

Primo Coffee and Tea was born on Christmas Eve 2015. A conversation around the kitchen table turned to business and before we knew it we were diving in to the world of coffee and tea and our story and journey began.

It was an alignment of talents; Peter with his impeccable taste, Robert with his commercial background and James (Peter’s twin by-the-way) with his wealth of experience in the coffee industry.

We took the plunge and Primo Coffee and Tea Ltd was created early 2016. We were offered an old cattle shed on a farm near Manningtree as a base. It was a wreck and we spent the following months cleaning, mending and rebuilding. With the cobwebs and dust behind us, our roastery was born and we set about roasting and supplying the best possible coffee and the finest loose leaf tea. We are proud to call it home.

It’s been a journey; long days and late nights; some mighty arguments and lots of laughs later we are producing some great coffee.

When the opportunity came along to acquire a 1957 vintage Probat UG22 Coffee roaster - we leapt at the chance. Its been a slog but well worth it. You can find out more about our restoration here and see how we have transformed a thing of beauty!

Our story and journey is a work in progress…. We hope you will be part of the next chapter. Whether you are a hotel, cafe or restaurant or a coffee lover at home, we want you to be part of the conversation.

‘‘diving into the world of Coffee and Tea’’

Our Story and Journey

Our Coffee Roaster Peter charging the next roast-Primo Artisan Coffee

We’ve shared this story with you because honesty and openness are fundamental to our business, we just need you to try it now. We believe in it – our customers love it – we hope you will too.

Discover More. . .

  • Making and Espresso in yellow cup-Primo Artisan Coffee

    Wholesale & Machines

    We support you through all of your commercial needs from top range espresso machines, bean to cup machines for the office - along with ongoing maintenance and servicing - all the way to that perfect cup of coffee.

  • Cooling Tray and Arms UG22 Roaster-Primo Artisan Coffee

    Our 1957 Probat UG22 Roaster

    Its been stripped, cleaned, shot-blasted and repainted. Every nut, bolt and screw replaced and finally re-assembled in its fully-restored state.